Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 2

Crew 1: New River Relocation

Crew 1 had a great week working on the New River Relocation, a long-term project that will move the AT onto public lands near Pearisburg, VA. The crew built new sidehill trail and several impressive stone steps on the rocky slopes of Peters Mountain.

A mighty fine staircase!
The whole crew pitching in to move a big rock.

Washing dishes on a beautiful spring morning.
Great work, Crew 1!

Crew 2: Georgia

The GATC brought lots of extra help!
Crew 2 went down to Georgia for the first of two weeks of rehab work on the north side of Rocky Mountain. Like much of the AT in Georgia, this stretch of trail is prone to erosion because it's steep and heavily used. The Crew worked side-by-side with GATC members to install rock steps and waterbars.
A lovely new staircase.
These three are justifiably proud of the rock they just moved.

Taking advantage of a beautiful day to check out the view from Rocky Mountain.
Rocky Mountain is home to lots of Catesby's Trillium.
Ready to move that rock into the hole!
Crumbsnatcher is great at crushing rock.


Todd Delk said...

Nice stairs Billy!!!

Yeah KC blog is back!!!

Todd Delk said...

Nice staircase Billy!!!