(Crew 2 gets a turn at top billing on the blog this week, scroll down for the Crew 1 report.)
Crew 2: Standing Indian Mountain Rehab
working with Nantahala Hiking Club in North Carolina near the Georgia border
Click here for the full photo album.
The fifth week for crew 2 was a continuation on a three week project at Standing Indian Mt., this being the second week of three. Once again, we had a Service Learning group, but as opposed to last week, these folks were from Virginia Tech.
The project now has the unofficial nickname of “Standing Blister”, due to the toll the hike takes on the volunteers’ feet, but thankfully the crew leader, Dr. Dave, was always ready with his blister kit.
After those ginormous rocks were moved by the crew with the brute strength of an ox, the rocks were placed in the ground as steps ever so precisely, like a sculptor creating a masterpiece. The crew not only bonded over these tasks, but at the end of each day there was a group reflection to process the day's happenings and to ponder what the near future would have in store for each individual’s life... which was most often moving more obstructive rocks, literally and figuratively.
This crew was able to complete several more high priority steps along the Appalachian Trail, and not only does Konnarock appreciate their work, but many hikers offered their thanks as well. Hopefully Virginia Tech will join us again next year, but whether or not they return to the crew, these students will be an asset to whomever they decide to serve.
Click here for the full photo album.
Report from Assistant Crew Leader Brian Allgood:
For Week Five’s project, Crew One headed up to Central Virginia to the highest point in the James River Face Wilderness: Highcock Knob. This is a challenging relocation project that will likely require several more years to complete. The objective of this relocation is to eliminate the dangerously steep section of trail on the north side of the knob by installing a long double-legged switchback. Many hikers (including several crew members) reported slipping and falling on the steep, slick tread of the current trail--proving this is a worthwhile relocation.
For Week Five’s project, Crew One headed up to Central Virginia to the highest point in the James River Face Wilderness: Highcock Knob. This is a challenging relocation project that will likely require several more years to complete. The objective of this relocation is to eliminate the dangerously steep section of trail on the north side of the knob by installing a long double-legged switchback. Many hikers (including several crew members) reported slipping and falling on the steep, slick tread of the current trail--proving this is a worthwhile relocation.
The work site is located about an A.T. mile north of Petite’s Gap which is just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. The site can also be accessed by a combination of the abandoned Marble Springs Trail and the A.T., making for a slightly longer and steeper hike on the way in, but the hike out is all downhill. Both options prove to be fairly strenuous hikes, especially when carrying heavy tools.
The crew’s campsite this week was a particularly nice spot next to the beautiful spring-fed Watson’s Pond. At night, *most* crew members enjoyed being sung to sleep by a symphony of frogs. The drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway to and from the trailhead each day was incredibly scenic, and passed several overlooks with far-reaching views of the mountains and valleys far beyond. In the mornings the valleys were covered in fog - a truly spectacular site.
As previously mentioned, the new trail will be a double-legged switchback. The difference between the working conditions on the two legs of this switchback is night and day.
The upper leg is mostly straightforward traditional sidehill digging, with little cribbing or rock work required. The work on the lower leg is highly technical and tedious, requiring extensive rock work with almost no simple sidehill digging. The crew had many problems to solve, but were able to come up with creative, sustainable solutions.
During the first two work days, most of the crew worked to finish up structures and solve a few problems on the section of trail that had already been started on the lower leg. This included the installation of several steps, an extensive amount of crib work, and creating a seemingly endless amount of crushed rock to fill in the cribbed sections. In addition, several large chunks of bedrock were shaped to better accommodate foot traffic. Crew members who had never dug sidehill got to acquire this skill by working with the local Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club on the upper leg.
At the end of the second work day, the crew was treated to an amazing feast provided by the NBATC. The club drove all the way up to the crew’s campsite with one heck of a spread, including delicious homemade BBQ and a ton of awesome sides, refreshments and desserts. Good times and conversation were had by all. The crew was truly humbled by the hospitality of the club. We can’t thank you all enough!
The crew made it out just in time to avoid a thunderstorm while still getting in a full work day. That being said, the crew avoided the rain all week while in the field. A few minor showers occurred while the crew was in the shelter of camp, but nothing major until the final night. The crew experienced quite a light show from their tents while buckets of rain fell and thunder roared.
Good job, Crew One, for toughing it out and putting in some awesome work on this challenging project!