Crew 1 headed out for a third week with the Tennessee Eastman Hiking Club. This week they continued on a Hardcore relocation project on Beartown Mountain. They put in some rock steps and cribbing and dug over 900 feet of sidehill. They also painted blazes and opened up two new relocations!! What a great week and an awesome way to wrap up the season!
Beautiful flora along the trail!
Picking blueberries!
Lopping roots out of the trail
Digging out stumps
Digging sidehill
The crew watching a beautiful sunset
Crew 2 headed out to Bluff City with the Roanoake AT Club to do some rehab. They put in some rocks steps, waterbars and checksteps. They were also busy making a lot of crush and fill. The amazing folks at Woods Hole Hostel invited the crew over for dinner Friday night and they spent Saturday night at the Corn Boil with RATC. Lots of hard work and lots of great food!!
Using the net to move large rocks
Making crush!
Sledging some more rock for crush and fill
And that's how they got so many heavy rocks moved!
One waterbar complete!
A few more to go!
What a great crew to end the season with!
Chili con mac.... one of Konnarock's best field meals! Thanks David! :)