Crew 2: Standing Indian Mountain Rehab
working with Nantahala Hiking Club in North Carolina near the Georgia borderClick here for the full photo album.
With this grand cast of characters, we started work by finishing projects previously begun the past two weeks by other volunteers. There was still much rehabilitation to be done in certain gullied-out sections of the trail as well, and with a little sweat and muscle, the crew was able to fix these problems with the use of steps and check steps. We had help from several Nantahala Hiking Club volunteers along the way as well, even to help carry the tools down, much to their chagrin.
The crew this week was able to accomplish the mission set out by the club and crew leaders several weeks prior. Several steps were put in, including one rock step that weighed about 500 pounds! The work they did will last for decades to come, and that’s exactly the work Konnarock likes to do. Thank you Crew 2! OWWWWWW!
Crew 1: Seng Ridge Relocation
working with the Carolina Mountain Club
Apart from the work, the crew was able to enjoy a few fun diversions. At the end of day two, the crew took a short walk out to nearby Blackstack Cliffs to watch the sunset. One crew member even went as far as to say it was the most beautiful sunset he’d ever seen!
At the end of day three, the crew was treated to dinner at Ryan’s buffet in Greeneville compliments of the Carolina Mountain Club. By this time the crew had worked up a healthy appetite and had no problem putting away multiple plates of dinner and desert. A huge thanks goes out to CMC for their generosity.
Speaking of food, one night’s camp dinner was made particularly special by Clark’s renowned hors d’oeuvres – sliced fruit, pickled jalepenos, homemade bread, kielbasa with pineapple, crackers, and an assortment of cheeses. Crew One has never been known to skimp on food, but this gourmet appetizer was something for the books. Thanks, Clark!
The crew took another fun excursion on the way back to Base Camp, stopping at Appalachian Caverns outside of Bristol, TN for a guided tour of the cave. Not only was it an interesting and informative tour, but it was also a respite from the mid-afternoon heat.
Half of this week’s crew consisted of members of the Conservation Leadership Corps (CLC), a summer program that provides young adults the opportunity to learn skills and gain knowledge for outdoor and conservation based careers. Their youthful energy and enthusiasm combined with the wisdom and experience of the more seasoned volunteers made for a diverse crew. Everyone had something different to contribute.
A few other special guests also made an appearance this week. Representatives from the CAN’d Aid Foundation, a charitable organization of Oskar Blues Brewery and a major sponsor of the CLC, came all the way from Colorado to meet and work with the CLC for a day. Several staff members from the Southern Regional Office of the ATC also came out to dig trail in support of the cause.
All in all, it was a fun-filled yet highly productive week for Crew One. At the end of the week, a whopping 1453 feet of new trail was completed! Thanks to Crew One and all who came out to help make a significant dent in this relocation.
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