Crew 1: Jump Off Rehab
working with Nantahala Hiking Club
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This is it. The last Crew 1 blog post of 2017. It can only mean one thing: the final battle against degraded post-wildfire trail conditions at The Jump Off in western North Carolina. Week 12 brought Crew 1 back to the Nantahala National Forest for the third project week in a row, with the goal of bringing the ongoing, ambitious rehabilitation work to a stable ending point.
This is it. The last Crew 1 blog post of 2017. It can only mean one thing: the final battle against degraded post-wildfire trail conditions at The Jump Off in western North Carolina. Week 12 brought Crew 1 back to the Nantahala National Forest for the third project week in a row, with the goal of bringing the ongoing, ambitious rehabilitation work to a stable ending point.
If this all sounds a bit daunting, take a moment to remember that Crew 1 has never yet backed down from a difficult trail dilemma. What to the average observer might seem hopeless, Crew 1 views as an opportunity for innovation. What might by some be deemed an impossible task, Crew 1 views as a challenge. In the words of wisdom once imparted by a crew member, “Easy decisions, hard life. Hard decisions, easy life.” The members of this crew are well aware that many rewards are reaped by engaging the tough moments in trail work head on.
None of this inspiring confidence, however, is possible on an empty stomach. This is why Crew 1 started Week 12 off strong with a stop at Rocky’s Hot Chicken Shack in Asheville, NC. A wide variety of spicy chicken dishes and delicious sides provided the fortification needed to prepare this week’s large crew of volunteers for the work ahead of them. From there, the crew continued to the Nantahala Outdoor Center, where several alumni volunteers met the group and formed a caravan on the last leg of the drive.
Finally arriving at the Forest Service road near Robbinsville, Crew 1 rapidly set up camp and commenced with the weekly tool safety talk. It didn’t take long before dinner was cooking and the crew settled into the week’s temporary abode.
The following morning unfolded with breakfast and the daily stretch circle, and eventually the challenging 1-mile ascent up the bushwhacked access trail to the Jump Off cliff. Taking into account the dismal weather forecast for the following day, the crew opted to work extra hard and extra late on the first day in case of a subsequent rain-out. This proved to be a long day of action-packed work.
One of the main tasks for the day was the installation of some “sidelog” cribbing along the edge of the log staircase that was previously replaced. Considering that the edge of the trail on this section is literally falling off the mountain, the extra cribbing provided by these sourwood logs will surely make a positive difference. The other major task was the felling, bucking, and transporting of the final locust logs for the gabion, in addition to splitting the numerous “slats” to be used in this picket-fence-esque structure.
Once the logs were lowered by rope down the cliff and carried to their places, a couple of veteran alumni began yet another task - wielding the Milwaukee Rock Drill to chisel into the Jump Off cliff itself. This cliff was quite a dangerous spot, requiring crew members to pass tools and gear down rather than carrying them - and it didn’t look much better for hikers burdened with heavy packs. Using the rock drill, outfitted with a specially selected chisel bit, volunteers were able to cut steps into the stone, thus making for a much safer ascent and descent.
As it grew later, many projects were finished up and the gabion remained as the sole task that needed to be absolutely finished before the end of the day. By this point, the horizontal crib logs were all pinned in place and it was finally time to drive the vertical “slats” behind the crib logs. By backfilling the void behind the slats with rock and soil, this structure would resemble a picket fence and theoretically would prevent further erosion on this precarious trail section. The crew needed to work in incredibly close quarters to pull this final phase of the day off. It wasn’t easy work by any means - the footing beneath the gabion was unstable, and the utmost precaution was observed while maneuvering around the structure.
Although it felt almost like working two days rather than one, the gabion was finally completed around 6pm on that first work day. The result of ingenuity and tireless teamwork, this unconventional trail structure is undoubtedly one of the crown jewels of the 2017 season. A tired but victorious crew saddled up their packs and hiked down to the campsite, reaching the site around 7pm.
With voracious appetites kindled by the long work day, the crew decided to experiment with “alternative foods” night. Rather than following the menu, several culinarily-minded crew members engineered a delicious dinner spread featuring made-to-order quesadillas, chips, and salsa. The addition of two Lodge cast-iron skillets, donated by an alumni volunteer, made alternative foods night a fantastic experience for all.
The next day delivered on the predicted rainy weather, and Crew 1 opted not to waste time hiking and working in the slick, dangerous, and muddy conditions on the trail and at the work site. Instead, the crew enjoyed an extravagant breakfast including scrambled eggs, country ham, fried green tomatoes, and of course Jerry’s famous creamy grits. The crew then took some time to relax, read, nap, or hang out under the slightly leaking kitchen tarp, before eventually packing into the Konnarock van and traveling to Andrews, NC for another delicious trip to Scoops Creamery.
Later in the evening, Crew 1 met the Nantahala Hiking Club at the Nantahala Outdoor Center for drinks and dinner at the River’s End Restaurant. During dinner, Jerry was proud to present multi-year alumni Clark Britt with an Appalachian Trail vest in honor of his exceeding 1000 hours of volunteer service with Konnarock. Clark was joined by 21-year alumni Billy Williams for a photo-op to celebrate this amazing accomplishment.
Although an entire day had been lost to the rain, Crew 1 jumped back into action as soon as the rain ceased around 9am on the next morning. Although the trail was slick, it soon began to dry out as the sun emerged and the misty clouds dispersed from around the Smoky Mountains in the distance. A few finishing touches were put on the gabion’s tread surface, but the main task for the day was the installation of log steps above the Jump Off cliff.
This area had been heavily eroded, and the use of log steps will help to slow the flow of water and prevent more soil from washing away. Since this section was full of roots, and in some places bedrock, the progress was slow but steady. The lower log steps, coming directly off of the cliff itself, needed to be pinned with rebar into the stone since there was no way to drive wooden stakes into the ground. The trusty Milwaukee drill got to see plenty more action before the day was done.
The site heated up considerably as the day wore on and the sun came out in earnest. Nevertheless, Crew 1 worked as a well-functioning team to install as many steps as possible. Some crew members crushed rock to use as fill while others ferried it from one place to another. Others worked on digging the steps into place and hammering stakes, and still more worked to create more stakes by debarking and splitting locust logs.
Another group of volunteers constructed one more section of log-cribbing further up the trail to prevent soil erosion on the steep downhill side of the trail. The crew worked well beyond the usual quitting time yet again to make up for the rain day. By the end of the day, there was a world of difference to behold on the trail from what it had been at the start of the week. In just two days, a phenomenal amount of quality work was completed.
The next morning, Crew 1 disassembled camp and packed up for the last time of the summer. It had been a whirlwind week on a truly memorable project, and now the end-of-season party at Konnarock Base Camp awaited the crew members. There was still time, however, for one last lunch stop along the way - the much beloved 12 Bones Smokehouse in Asheville got one more visit from the crew that eats just as hard as it works.
Special Thanks to Nantahala Hiking Club for their continued support this week and throughout the three weeks at this challenging project. The on-the-trail support as well as the dinner trips were crucial for crew morale and the success of the project. Another big thanks to the sizable group of quality volunteers who turned out in force for this final week of the season. Konnarock would quite literally be nothing without the time, energy, skill, and spirit provided by the many generous volunteers who contribute each week of the summer. As it is the end of the season, a thank you is in order for Camp Coordinators Rachel and Janet for managing all things food-related during the volunteer season as well as so many other logistical and facility-related details.
It has truly been a fantastic and successful season for Crew 1. The challenging project at the Jump Off was an appropriate way to end such a season. No doubt many more successful summers lie ahead of the Konnarock Volunteer Trail Crew, thanks to the eclectic, eccentric, and passionate people who make up this organization and form a big part of the Appalachian Trail’s soul.
--Josh Reynolds, Assistant Crew Leader
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