Crew 2: Rockfish Gap Rehab
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This week Crew 2 came back to a project that we had started earlier in the season at Rockfish Gap in Virginia with the Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club. Our mission was to finish a staircase at a very crucial place on the trail.
Thankfully, to help us along, we had piles of pre-cut rock and other rip-rap that had been dropped off before we arrived. Crew 2 was a small but mighty crew this week, with only five volunteers alongside the two crew leaders, but I am proud to say that we were able to get the job done and more, even with the weather being around 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with full sun exposure and little to no breeze.
Needless to say, we were a little more liberal with long breaks in the shade this week. To help us out with this weather, we stayed at Lake Sherando campground and had a lake to swim in at the end of each day along with a hot shower to sooth our sore muscles.
When there is work to be done, there is also play to be had, and we certainly did that in a multitude of ways. One of the nights, the club was so gracious as to have a Hawaiian themed cookout for us, fully equipped with Hawaiian shirts and leis. We ate pineapple chicken and ham, and for dessert we had a pineapple upside down cake.
Another night, we all went in to town to eat at the Chinese buffet. This was a must since we had one volunteer from Russia who had never been to a Chinese buffet, and this is an essential part of American culture. Thankfully the speed bumps back at the campground didn’t cause anyone’s dinner to come back up, and we were all quick to bed after that.
With the busy week we had, we were able complete the project and more with a total of 33 rock steps--and even had time to put in a log step down the trail a ways. Again, Crew 2 really appreciates all of the volunteers for toughing out the extreme weather conditions and getting the job done!
Crew 1: Seng Ridge Relocation
Click here for the complete photo album.
Week Eleven’s project brought Crew One back down to North Carolina for the final time this season to continue construction on the Seng Ridge relocation. For more details on the project, check out Crew One’s blog for Week Six and Week Nine.
This low impact alternative to a turnpike will allow for the water to flow through the gravel under the tread way, both stabilizing the the trail and making it safer in icy conditions. In addition, a small series of rock steps were installed to harden the tread descending into the causeway.
In the midst of the digging, the Crew was greeted by an unexpected visitor – a curious timber rattler. Just goes to show that one can never be too cautious when working on the trail. The Crew had another interesting wildlife encounter two mornings in a row when the Crew was serenaded by the haunting cries of a pack of coyotes nearby during the stretch circle. Perhaps they were summoned by Crew member Jim’s calling since he is a self-proclaimed coyote whisperer.
As work progressed, the Crew would find a few more rock projects as they worked through an area with a few large scattered boulders. The stone work was not only nice change of pace from sidehill digging, but will also make for a more interesting hike.
Once again, the Crew lucked out with the weather this week. The only precipitation occurred while the Crew was under the safety of the kitchen tarp. To everyone’s delight, the water draining off the tarp provided the opportunity for some hand and face washing.
This week’s Crew was one of the smallest of the season, but proved to be quite a hearty bunch. They must be because by the end of the week, 600 feet of new trail had been completed including a 33-foot-long causeway and several steps! For seven people in three days, one could not ask for more.
Great week, Crew One. HOO-YAH!
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