Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 8

Crew 1 went back to Roan Highlands to continue work on the relocations. They completed over 500 feet of new sidehill, along with 1000 feet of tread definition. They painted on some blazes, completing and opening up one of the new relocations. They spent another beautiful week camped out at Overmountain Shelter. Lucky ducks...

Kickin back in the shelter

Showin off those big muscles responsible for all of the hard work this week!

Doing some dishes in the backcountry kitchen in the barn

Diggin away...

Taking a break along the new trail

View from the shelter

New blaze :)

End of day tool inventory

Crew 2 headed out to the Bee Cove Rehab just south of the Smoky Mountains. The crew enjoyed an awesome campsite just below the Fontana Dam. They put in 11 rock steps, 2 log steps and 28 feet of log cribbing! They also accomplished over 200 feet of tread definition over the week. They'll be back week 9 to continue their work. Check out photos from the week...

Working on the log crib wall

Cutting back the back slope and redigging to make a better hiking surface

Putting in some rock steps

Woo Trail Crew!

Making some crush for the log crib wall

More rock work

The finished crib wall... nice work!

The Konnarock crew season is flying by, but we still have 3 weeks left! It's not to late to sign up!!! This could be YOUR home for a week.....

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